It's one of those rarest days in a month that I managed to get home so early (aka 7pm) that I actually had to luxury of feeling bored, when I realized I havent been blogging for the longest time. Whatever happened to the Kimberly who blogged practically everyday in the past?
She kinda disappeared I guess.
She disappeared into her work, often staying late at work such that she started feeling so utterly blessed when she gets to go home at 6pm. Like WTH happened to the girl who used to feel depressed at the thought of going home straight after work without any hot dates?
I feel like I have aged ten years in the 3 months that I changed job. Circumstances made me build this armour such that shit hurled at me wouldnt touch me. But I think the armour isnt that strong yet 'cause I still get affected at times. Circumstances also taught me that I need to cover my ass at all times, plus know my job well enough that I can justify for my actions. Plus the lesson that being the nice one usually ends up being the last one who gets all the shit.
Alot of things learnt in the course of 3 months huh. haha.
Anyhow, I am finally settling down in the job, and doesnt feel as lost. Job-wise that is.
On the other hand, I'm starting to feel aimless and lost in my personal life. I'm not utilizing my brains that much now, and am starting to fear that my brains would start to degenerate at the rate that I watch 2am and 2pm on youtube.
In the narcissism news, I havent been posting up enough pictures of my zipais huh. I cant lose this part of me as well!
So here are some that I have taken while waiting for Xiang to dye her hair the other day. The similar poses are due to the fact that I was testing out the different apps on my iPhone. HA.

My fav of the lot. :)

Xiang thought that I was kinda mad to be constantly snapping away and checking the phone to see whether I'm chio enough not.

HAHA. Another similar one. But note the different color tones!!

I <3 my iPhone!


Here's one with my nephew. :))

And one of me waiting for dinner that I dozed off on Grass' bed. Faked of course. Otherwise how to take the pic la.

And one final pic of me and Jas. During CNY.
I miss my lashies. =(
"I am PRETTY, accept it."
8:43 PM